Friday, March 4, 2011

Kindness of strangers

 I'll start with a belated thank you, but I'm not sure to whom? The very nice card, says you bought them in Florida and that you've just moved. I can't work out what your signature says but it's preceded with the initials BW. I have been sent three soap moulds and a lovely card and I'll say a public thank you and my next batch of soap will look very flash indeed. Secondly, tomorrow is World Book Night and our Neighbourhood watch delivered a book to everyone on our estate. I've already thumbed my way through selected chapters of Nigel Slater's 'Toast', giggling as I went. Thank you to who ever provided the books and to the lovely neighbours who dropped a book through every body's very kind xxxx

People have kindly asked after my daughter. I can only assume that she's OK, sober, upright and not in a ditch. I never hear from her when she chooses to 'go to ground'. She doesn't answer calls or texts and I just have to sit and wait until I hear from her. My son is faring better. Their dad threw money at the situation and had British Gas round in a matter of days and a new boiler has been fitted. Rik told me that he'd had his first bath since November and the flat is starting to dry out now there is some heating. My next  task is to buy them or free cycle them a washing machine, get some plumbing in and get it fitted.

Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments and mostly to the incredible kindness of the person who saw something in Florida, bought it, flew it back in their suitcase and then posted it to me. Days like this restore my faith in human nature.

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