Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last day of the year and usual resolution.

Well here we go again with the same old resolution. For the last three years I have decided to not get into any more debt and to pay off what I owe. We are in negative equity and have to find three thousand pounds to pay the solicitor and the stamp duty! However, this will not be from debt but from my over time payments which were going to be used to pay off debt.

The good news is though, that I've brought all of my debts down to 20,132! Had two pay rises and earnt an extra 2500 in tutoring after school. Everything I don't need goes on ebay and we're carbooting on sunday to clear the clutz and hopefully make at least 50 pounds!

Food wise - I haven't been shopping since before Christmas and we're onto odd concoction soup now wiht homemade bread - clearing the cupboards - I've baked, hand washed, dried everything outside in the crisp dry winter air and had the heating on for only two hours a day!

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