Tuesday, January 26, 2010

5 days until pay day and I've still not spent anything.

You'll have to excuse me.....not my cheerful self today. I've spent no money and I'm still over drawn. I've also had to drive miles out of my way today to go on a course; the road was closed so there was a even lengthier diversion. I did, however, have a free lunch but no left overs to bring home.

So, over drawn I've arrived home to fuses blown and I can't work out why as the trip switches are OK and the pilot light on the boiler isn't working......so it'll be five days before I can afford some one to look at the boiler and maybe longer until I can have it repaired as I have to save for it.............because I have no credit cards as I cut them up.

Haiti comes to mind and I have some where to live, I have a fire and I have an electric blanket and an electric shower and a kettle and this is the view I saw today on the way to the course. Bethruthen steps, near Newquay, Cornwall. In a few minutes I'll get this into perspective and will feel better!

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