The Queen wears trousers! Prince Philip listens to...rapper-type people!
William and Kate are heading off to Canada (with a pit stop in California) soon (peruse the Canadian itinerary here and the American one here), and all eyes are on the fashion. All my eyes are, at least. There are some serious fashion hurdles ahead of the Duchess, so I thought we'd take a look back at how past royals have handled these Canadian obstacles, and what handy trip tips we can offer to the lovely Kate.
Hurdle #1: The Cowboy Hat
William and Kate will indeed be sporting ten gallon cowboy hats during their trip, just as multiple family members before them have. I think the fashion question here belongs not to the Duchess, but to the Duke: will William wear a bolo tie? Dear God, let's hope not. That's not a good look for anyone.The trip itinerary has spawned the greatest comparisons to the Canadian tour undertaken by the Duke and Duchess of York at the height of their popularity (yes, they were popular, once). The Yorks had an action trip, mucking in instead of observing. That's exactly what the Cambridges are doing; their events include playing street hockey, captaining dragon boats, cooking, and more. Let's hope they dress more appropriately for their boating turn, and that they remember this one simple fact: strangling people, no matter how fun, is never royal.
Tip #1: Dress thyself in red and white.
Hurdles aside, one thing Kate must be sure and bring along for a successful Canada trip is plenty of red and white. The whole purpose of the trip is to fly the Canadian flag, so she might as well jump full in and make it her uniform. Especially when the couple's going to be there on Canada Day and all. There shouldn't be too many opportunities for evening wear for the Cambridges, so perhaps we'll be spared another attempt at crafting a gown from the Canadian flag.Same goes here as for the red and white: if it's on the flag, it should also be on the royals. Brooch it up, bedazzle something - Kate can do whatever she pleases with the leaf du pays...but I say once again, there's no need to be comical about it. Let's stop just before we reach Fergie territory. (Sound advice for life, really, not just for maple leafage.)
Tip #3: Put it on with a smile.
This one's universal, but since it's the Cambridge's first big trip, it's worth saying: no matter what someone hands you, you're gonna have to put it on and smile. Doesn't matter if it's actually cool (Roots gear, anyone?) or terribly odd (bedazzled 3D specs? Huh?), just grin and sport your new present. And if you start to feel ridiculous, just remember: it could be much worse.Sometimes they make you get ALL dressed up, just for photographer giggles. It's a hard knock royal life.
What are you hoping to see from our next feature film, The Cambridges Take North America? Do you have any extra tips to offer?
Photos: Getty Images/Tim Graham/Anwar Hussein
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