Saturday, June 25, 2011

They told me there'd be days like this!

Today is crap! With whippy crap on top, decorated with crap sprinkles! Everything is getting paid but as the song says "Money's too tight to mention!" House is a total mess and I've hardly time to clean it, school work is pressing on me like medieval torture, the garden needs work and the inner me wants to find something to smile about.

It's a very Eeyore kind of day and I would like to cancel it, forget it and go back to bed, pull the duvet over my head and tell the whole world to bleep off! I've £18 to last until pay day and that has to go in the fuel tank and we're eating from the store (which won't let us starve) All in all? Just keeping my head above my emotional parapet! Plus! It's a very, very, fat and really bleepin' ugly day today (women know what they are) and today I will not allow myself any food just to try and stop the fat building any where else.

Now if you don't mind......I'm off to berate my own ugly stupidity for the rest of the day!

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