Saturday, July 23, 2011

Somebody's daughter.

 We're all some one's baby. My girly used to hold her arms up to me when I'd walked her too far and say "Mummy up" and I'd pick her up. Every now and then, a confused and mumbling voice will come over the phone, sometimes incoherent, but the message I can still hear is "Mummy up". We go, scoop her up and always make sure she has a soft place to fall. Some body's daughter didn't start off in live a mess of drink and drugs, they played, did their homework, snuggled up for a story and were full of their mum's hopes for their tomorrows and tomorrows.
 Some body's daughter was brought up with lots of love, with fun and happiness, parks and picnics alongside hard work and ambition.
 There will be parents all over the world, who watched the news today and knew it could have been their daughter. There are parents all over the world who prickle when the phone rings or a police car drives down their avenue as it could the voice they never want to hear coming to tell it to them as it is. There are parents all over the world, who like me, were touched by the sad but not unexpected news of Amy Winehouse's drug overdose and sad death and yet sighed with relief that it was somebody else's daughter and not ours today.
 We often think that drug and alcohol abuse is a dark and frightening place but for addicts, it's the peaceful numbness in a dark and confusing world that you want to medicate yourself from. I'm quite sure that for people with a self destructive gene that if there were no drugs and no alcohol, they'd still find a way of harming themselves as self inflicted pain is so less intense than the pain that life inflicts upon some people. Some body's daughter couldn't make sense of how lovely she was, how creative, how beautiful and certainly couldn't make sense of a changing world that may hold a brightness tomorrow that is constantly shadowed today.
Amy's death today has touched me, but the saddest part is that I was glad it was somebody else's daughter and not my turn today.

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