Thursday, March 18, 2010

dearly beloved!

Nope, it's not our wedding! I have soon as we can afford it, we'll get married and we've never been able to afford the cake let alone the wedding. Here dearly beloved is an usher as his friend's wedding and we're watching the bride and groom on the steps of the hotel having their photo taken. Normally he's just mentioned in passing but today he gets the full page.

We met, an incredible twenty four years ago; we led different lives then. I was married with a small boy, running my own business in Bath and he was the friend of a friend. We didn't meet again for nine years until I was getting divorced and through the same friends we met up again and the rest is history.

He truly is the most incredible bloke who has supported me through some very thin times and took me and my two children to his heart and cared for our every need for many years whilst I was at college and then training to become a teacher. His positivity is endless and he has cheered me on at every mile stone and gone without so much himself and has never once complained. As we go through yet another thin time, he is as ever, incredibly supportive and loving. I thought I would list everything he has done for me.

Supported my two children and they have been sent on school trips and holiday, had music lessons, had wonderful birthdays and Christmases at his expense.
Gone without everything himself to pay for my children.
Gone without everything to support me through college.
Coped when both my children were teenagers and were extremely difficult.
Renovated two houses and learnt every skill to do it on the job.
Supported me to lose weight and loved me just as much when I put it all back on again.
Had a vasectomy, even though he has no children of his own, as I knew my family was complete.
Found the money somehow to pay for a barrister when my ex tried to get custody of the children.
Followed me and moved when I got a promotion
Who reads my blog every day and I know he will read this...................he really is incredible, supportive, loyal and truly my best friend and this blog is to honour him because he is dearly beloved.
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