Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pay day celebration

Pay Day!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this day to come round for what feels like months!! I squirrelled away my overtime payments and took it in one lump. As we are paid at midnight on the last day of the month; I was able to get up by half past five this morning and paid £1800!!!! off my credit card bill! So the money I've earned has already gone and there is no way it can be spent anywhere else even though I'd like to buy the wood for dearly beloved to build a permanent raised bed for the garden, I would also love to buy a greenhouse but we think we can cobble something together from bits and bobs.

Even with the massive financial addition; we carried on as normal. Supper tonight and a small lunch for both of us to 'ding' at work tomorrow is a side busting portion of chicken stew and dumplings. I browned off the chicken thighs (plenty of meat and we've no need for expensive leg or breast!) and put them to one side. Fried the onions, carrots and peppers and then returned the chicken. I added stock, potatoes and peas, thickend with some instant gravy and then added the homemade dumpling with half an hour to go.
I left them to simmer, whilst I sat down to read the magazine dearly beloved found on the train for me (always have a look in first class - they tend to just leave the magazines and papers) It was ready after simmering until the chicken fell off the bone and the dumplings had puffed up to twice the size. It's been icy cold and windy here today and this is just what I needed.

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