Monday, March 29, 2010

Scrubbin' it on the cheap!

I'm feeling exhausted. I have a simple solution to feeling grotty and that is to smell nice. My mum used to say that there was no excuse to be dirty because soap and water was cheap! Well it isn't now. I shower and don't bathe and time my shower to five actually Mum....water is expensive! I got the shampoo as a total bargain from Co-op at a £1 each and it lasts for over a month for the two of us. The scrubby sponge replaces expensive exfoliators, pink girly razor is for staying pink and girly and the rash expense is the 'Sanctuary' perfume, which dearly beloved bought me from ebay(£7) with some money he had made from selling a few bits and bobs. The Boots body spray was £1.39 and although a deodorising body spray, it actually leaves a subtle all over fragrance that lasts all day. Well, I'm off for five minutes of pampering and then off to bed, smelling lovely for very little and cheered up to boot.

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